Live meditation with Danis Bois – #66- The various dimensions of listening

This week we began a new series of meditation guided by Danis Bois. The theme of our first meditation today centred on listening. Listening is often associated with hearing, but in truth, it is much bigger than that, and though we live in times of extreme communication, we do not really know how to listen. Having created the conditions to listen by establishing silence that is fundamental to listening, Danis Bois developed a meditation focused on the five dimensions of listening. The last three of which engage psychological, emotional and behavioural dimensions. The fifth type of listening refers to be notion of a good listening experience, of listening with empathy and benevolence. First type of listening: silence amplifies noises, and the sounds that surround us. In the silence, new sounds appear that were hidden by noise. And this includes thought that can be noise in the meditation. Full-Presence Meditation invites meditators to turn their attention away from disruptive thoughts and to redirect it more stably towards an object that is helpful for the meditation, such as the motionlessness of the body. Second type of listening: passively listening is about being distracted without really focusing on what is being said. Actively …

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Meditate live with Danis Bois – #63 – Personal awareness after life – 23 November 2022

In view of the importance of the question of personal awareness after life, Danis Bois decided to devote three meditations to this theme.  Before addressing the becoming of personal awareness after life, this first meditation conveys information likely to bring some light on this subject in particular that Danis Bois rarely touches on, as he is more inclined to question: is there life before death? What is proposed in this first meditation is to become familiar with personal awareness, or self-awareness, then to evaluate the connection with the unseen proposed by Full-Presence Meditation. This meditation uses a protocol directed towards the principle of continuity with the ‘greater than we are’ and with the universe that contains us while we are alive. This meditation is an exploration of the connection with what is greater than we are: It is clear that, during our lifetime, we can explore the unseen by bringing our personal awareness into it. But what happens after life? This is what we will question in the coming meditations. Thank you very much for all this work, this generosity, the sharing and the transmission. I am so happy with the progression of the themes that we are touching on …

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Meditate Live with Danis Bois – Silent meditation

The meditation guided by Danis Bois this week leaves a large space for silence.  The objective of the verbal guidance is simply to inhabit silence, to describe it and to direct meditators’ attention and observation towards the landscape emerging to their awareness. It is worth remembering that silence represents in our approach the most important support on which to develop attention, awareness and presence. In terms of the step-by-step process offered by Full-Presence Meditation, silent meditation is the highest level (Step 4) and stimulates the autonomy of the meditator..   This meditation touches on the eloquence of silence, which may seem an oxymoron, as eloquence talks of the gift of spoken words, of the art of persuasion through words whereas silence evokes the absence of words. And yet, silence may be eloquent, expressive, meaningful and convincing for those exploring the more universal dimension of silence. In this silent meditation, Danis Bois invites participants to familiarize themselves with long moments of silence that may result, for beginners, in a sense of boredom, sleepiness and at times sensations of highs and lows of concentration and presence. This meditation is above all a time of learning to tame the relationship to silence and …

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Meditation live with Danis Bois – #59 – The place of vibration in Full-Presence Meditation – 26th. October 2022

The notion of vibration has very little place in Full-Presence Meditation as it is too closely connected to spirituality, the occult and New Age. It is also a catch-all term that allows all sorts of interpretations. Despite these reservations, there is a consensus on several aspects of vibration: Fully welcoming vibration is to turn our awareness towards what we are living Vibration is a relational mode: a good energy or bad vibration Vibration defines a resonance, that is to say a sensitivity to particular frequencies Vibration is a feeling that conveys information Vibration is a force of propagation, it rayonnates For Danis Bois, the movement is primordial and vibration is the effect of the movement, and not its cause. In the meditation today, participants were able to explore three dimensions of vibration. Vibration as ambient atmosphere Vibration is connected with the qualiy of self-presence that can be enhanced by remaining silent and motionless, with eyes closed. This attitude allows meditators to observe and listen to the effect of their posture on their inner experiencing, on their state of being. It results in the sensation of a good vibration and a positive disposition. The first condition to vibrate is to be …

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Full-Presence meditation The seven Ways to access Human Warmth – Danis Bois

Danis Bois and Isabelle Eschalier’s book, La méditation pleine présence, les sept voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine (Eyrolles) with a preface by Pierre Rahbi, published in 2019, is now published in English and available in hard copy or as an e-book by following this link. It was translated by Hélène Pennel. This book present the various characteristics of Full-Presence Meditation and the innovative aspects of this practice in relation to other meditative practices, particularly Mindfulness.  Danis Bois clarifies some of the terms used in the context of meditations in general, and Full-Presence Meditation in particular such as the terms full, presence, consciousness and awareness.  He also answers other questions relating to the place of the body in meditation, and the interaction between perception and conscious awareness. This book also traces Danis Bois’s process of discovery and the elaboration of his methodology over the past 40 years, exploring in this process fields such as meditation scientific research (educational neuroscience), philosophy (humanistic thought, phenomenology of perception) and education (perceptual psychoeducation, experiential and existential learning). You will also find in this book practical tools to familiarize yourself with Full-Presence Meditation and to benefit from the unfolding of human warmth in your life. …

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Méditation live avec Danis Bois – #56- Experiencing transmission together

In our first October meditation, Danis Bois reminded us of a notion that is dear to him: ‘Distance is an illusion, as is proximity’. Through the step-by-step process of this meditation, meditators were invited to experiment the various channels that reduce distance between meditators: the voice of the guide and the quality of their presence, silence, motionlessness, energy in motion, transmission and finally thought and imagination turned towards others, towards our aspirations or towards more humanity. The movement that moves within you is not simply an animation and an active principle. It is a quality of presence, a presence that wants what is good for you. Danis Bois. Participants were able to evaluate their own capicity to perceive, grasp and recognise the signs of the presence of transmission: Perceiving within a slow animation, embodied within living matter Feeling and being aware that we are not the origin of this movement And finally feeling a sense of protection, of a presence that is attentive and benevolent When these signs are combined, meditators can direct this transmission towards someone of their choosing or towards a personal objective, by means of thought and imagination.. We can imagine a world that is more human, …

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Meditation live avec Danis Bois – #54- The influence of being present to the body on health

As quite a few meditators have registered this term who are new to Danis Bois’ live weekly meditations, Danis Bois decided to come back to the fundamentals of how to establish an effective attitude of presence for meditation. To do this, he chose as support this week  the body, particularly the motionlessness of the body in its interaction with sustained attention as, when combined, these give access to states of stability, solidity, tranquility and calm that bring release both at a physical level with the relaxing of tensions, and at the level of the mind with an apeasement of our thoughts so that we have the impression we are no longer thinking. Danis Bois highlighed that achieving these state is already an accomplished meditation and should be regarded as such.   He added that, for some, this combination of perfect motionlessness and sustained attention, which strengthens the ability to remain present to the experience unfolding in the meditation and prevents wandering, may expand to revealing in the interiority of the body everything that is moving, including the possibility of perceiving the presence of an inner animation – the inner movement, an energy in motion. The motionlessness of your body allows …

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#53 – The driving force of Full-Presence Meditation

In this first meditation of the new term, Danis Bois took us on a journey through the Four Steps of a typical Full-Presence Meditation to settle into the meditation and gradually begin to connect with the possibility of perceiving the inner movement – the driving force of the Meditation.  He then expanded the meditation into a Fifth Step, an acknowldgement of the role of the driving force in our transformation processes Here is a summary of these 5 steps Creating objective conditions for the meditation A decision to create an atmosphere that is conducive to meditation through easy to achieve tasks : by closing our eyes,  being  motionlessness and suspending talk.  The silence of each of us nourishes the collective silence and the collective silence nourishes individual silence.Danis Bois Externally motionless, internally in motionDanis Bois Highlighting the continuous dimension of motionlessness and its relationship to stability and the experience of a moment of eternity. An invitation to become aware of the continuous dimension of motionlessness At the heart of this motionlessness, the possibility to feel a slow animation, on the edge of immobility, that generates a sense of stability, protection, safety and trust. Feeling the inner movement and allowing it …

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How meditation has evolved – From spiritual approach to the development of human skills

Over the last ten years, meditation has evolved from being seen as a spiritual discipline to a cognitive activity able to bring about a range of benefits fitting within humanistic, ecological and natural health trends. Modern meditation claims to be a secular activity aimed at improving human skills and focusing on mental acts destined to master and control thoughts, emotions and more humane behaviour (everyone wants to improve their human qualities). It is supported by science, particularly neuroscience. Scientific literature on the benefits of meditation on physical and mental health, and on cognitive performance is abundant today. DBM (Danis Bois Method) Full-Presence Meditation® fits clearly within humanistic thought and the neurosciences of education and is a logical extension of my academic career (doctorate in the science of education, aggrégation in psychoeducation and university professor in human and social sciences). Medication stimulates human qualities (such as empathy, altruism and benevolence) as well as cognitive, perceptual, relational and behavioural abilities.  In this perspective, Full-Presence Meditation® develops multiple skills and stimulates dormant qualities through a particular style of teaching that mobilizes educative and existential issues at stakes. Full-Presence Meditation® is linked to humanistic thought and fits within the psychoeducation field, with an emphasis …

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Meditate live with Danis Bois – On a journey without moving – 4 May 2022

How to participate Danis Bois, Doctor of Educational Sciences, has been meditating for more than 40 years and is co-author of the book “Full-Presence Meditation: The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth” published in France by Eyrolles. Danis Bois hosts a weekly meditation open to people interested in meditation, who already have some prior experience of meditation. The general theme of the current series of meditation is: “Learning to meditate together” “Meditate online live with Danis Bois”