Guided live Meditations with Danis Bois

Through videoconferencing

The meditations will resume from the 16th. April to the 16 July 2025

For the past four years, it has been possible to meditate live with Danis Bois and/or access the podcast of the week’s meditation. The meditations take place by videoconference, once a week, on Wednesday mornings from 8am to 9am (French time).

This series of 13 weekly meditations will be devoted to exploring how to connect with our inner climate of peace both conceptually and experientially.  

Who it is for and how it works?

  • Open to people who already have a meditation practice.
  • Once you’ve subscribed, you will receive a newsletter every Tuesday at 5 p.m. with the Zoom link to the next morning’s meditation.
  • Your subscription gives you access to the live meditations every Wednesday from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and to the podcasts of the meditations for 5 years.
  • You can also subscribe to have access to past series of meditations, if you’re interested in the topics covered. To do so, go to the bottom of the page.

What is it about ?

Treat yourself, one hour a week, to a moment of silence, calm, benevolence and human warmth, guided by Danis Bois.

The themes of the meditation vary in accordance with current affairs and what unfolds in the moment.

How to join the meditations?

Two options:

– Join the live meditation every Wednesday at the same time, by subscribing at the bottom of the page. This will also give you access to the podcasts (subscription at the bottom of this page)

– Use the podcasts and meditate at a time of your choice, also by subscribing to gain access to the platform. This will enable you to occasionally join the live meditations if you free to do so.

Quarterly subscription from 16 April to 16 July 2025

For people who already practise meditation regularly.

Translated into English and German: The English translation is provided by Hélène Pennel or Hélène Amelia Jank.

German translation is provided by Hélène Pennel or Hélène Gallagher

All the translators are registered full-presence meditation facilitators and are POEBRA coaches.

Danis Bois is the initiator of DBM Full-Presence Meditation.  Scientist of international repute, he holds a PhD in  the science of education, an aggregation in psychoeducation and is the founder of the Center for Studies and Research in Perceptual Psychoeducation (CERAP)

and professor at Fernando Pessoa University in Porto, Portugal.

He has been guiding meditations in academia for over 20 years and is currently participating in the university diploma “Meditation and healthcare relationship” of the Reunion Island university. He has written many books translated in several languages, including co-authoring with Isabelle Eschalier the book “La méditation pleine présence, les sept voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine” published in France by  Eyrolles and to be published soon in English under the title “Full-Presence Meditation – The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth”

To draw most benefits from the meditations, you need to have a previous experience of meditation, regardless of its origin, as well as an interest for the existential and spiritual dimensions of meditation.

The practice of Full-Presence Meditation directs us towards a more embodied humanity, in which we becomes more present to ourself, to others and to the world. It mobilizes what is greatest within us.

Danis Bois

Genesis of the project

I ended up admitting that I was a free electron in the world of spirituality, a rebel who refuses the rules, dogmas, and the various constraints that lead to the Grail. To spirituality, I prefer philosophy which seems more promising in terms of its essence, while distinguishing between intellectual philosophy and field philosophy, integrated into everyday life.

Danis Bois

We feel that Human Nature is probably more beautiful and much better than what we see. It is up to each of us to stand up in order to rise up and in this way take responsibility for our own humanity, which we each carry within and which carries us, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Danis Bois

After many stays in India during 40 years where he met Indian masters and Buddhists, Danis Bois has ceaselessly taught meditation in all its sectors of activity (university, professional and personal development). For many years, people who practice the Full-Presence Meditation that he has developed, asked him to meditate regularly under his guidance. Danis Bois for a long time declined this proposal, thinking that the important thing in meditation was to acquire autonomy in his existential and spiritual journey.

With the lockdown and to respond to the isolation of people, he decided to guide online meditations for people all over the world who regularly follow his work. In front of the enthusiasm and the effectiveness shown by the participants, he agreed to continue and to institute a live and regular meditation, one hour per week, through a videoconference.

Scientific study on the contribution of Full-Presence Meditation to the experience of the Covid lockdown

This study was carried out in 2020 by Drs. Isabelle Bertrand and Christian Courraud. During the first lockdown, 76 people participated in (on average) 12 Full-Presence Meditations, at the rate of one meditation every 3 days. Here are the results of a questionnaire on the experience of the lockdown: 84% of the participants mentioned a better experience of the absence of social interactions, 95% a strengthening of the pleasure of reconnecting with themselves. Participants reported feeling inner calm (99%), more positive thoughts (93%), confidence in the future (87%), better sleep (80%) and greater vitality (78%). (Presentation of this survey at the congress of ICEPS 2020)

Exceptionally: Free access to the podcast of an online meditation, guided by Danis Bois, on the theme: “Emptiness and plenitude”.

Free access to a collective online guided meditation on the theme:

“Channels of Transmission in Full Presence Meditation”.

According to the experience of the meditators, the times of silence are more or less long and the instructions go from the simplest to the most subtle.

With the use of transmission channels, the geographical distance between the facilitator and the participants is not an obstacle to create a dynamic relationship between all.

This 20-minute meditation is representative of the climate prevailing during meditations animated by videoconference.

How to begin :

To start the audio, click on the arrow below the photo on the left. Choose the posture of your choice, stay still and relaxed. Let yourself be transported by the instructions without intending to retain them. Let your attention fall on what you are feeling without making a special effort to perceive.

And listen to this meditation three times, three consecutive days at the time of your choice when you feel available.
