Méditer avec Danis Bois – #112 – La douceur de la paix intérieure – par Hélène Bourhis-Bois

Rubrique de Hélène Bourhis-Bois La méditation pleine présence donne à vivre toute une gamme de tonalités internes avec lesquelles chacun entre en relation à sa manière. Selon le moment, certains sont touchés, voire bouleversés par leur expérience, tandis que d’autres éprouvent une forme de neutralité observatrice, sans émotion. Comment répondre à la quête d’un sentiment d’amour souvent recherché durant la méditation, quand le thème abordé porte sur la paix ? Si Danis Bois insiste sur la paix intérieure avant d’explorer l’amour qui lui est associé, c’est parce que la paix intérieure travaille sur l’équilibre, la tranquillité, le calme et la mesure qui sont des qualités essentielles pour affronter les tumultes de la vie. La capacité de préserver un climat intérieur de paix aide à ne pas être perturbé systématiquement par le monde extérieur, et permet d’éviter que le monde extérieur ne vienne altérer le sentiment de paix intérieure.  Pour autant, dans cette méditation Danis Bois dévoile à travers trois actes d’amour avec le Vivant, comment le vécu de la paix n’est pas antinomique de celui de l’intensité de l’amour et de ses déclinaisons, la chaleur, la douceur, le bonheur et la joie. Le premier acte d’amour du vivant Posez votre …

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Méditer avec Danis Bois – #111 – La trêve intérieure – par Hélène Bourhis-Bois

By Hélène Bourhis-Bois By learning Full-Presence Meditation step-by-step and practising it regularly, it is possible to access a place of peace within ourselves with naturally more ease.  The conscious experience of perceiving the inner movement is accompanied by the feeling that preoccupations temporarily fade even though problems remain.  Danis Bois questions how we can remain connected with this peace within and make it last, as it is quite common to observe that our mind spontaneously comes back to our daily concerns. Is it a problem ? Or is it a solution ?  For this humanist philosopher, each problem carries within the invitation to look for a solution to adapt. And in that sense, our difficulty in preserving an inner climate of peace is an invitation to mobilize our ressources in order to preserve this inner peace.  There is no need to just look for the peace of heaven, as peace is much simpler. It’s feeling calm, tranquil, peaceful and identifying the moments when, in our connection with the external world, we come out of that state and we shift towards preoccupations, worries and reactions that are sometimes violent. And so preserving our inner climate of peace is dependent on a conscious choice …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #110 – Silence and inner peace

As we come back to our activities in this New Year, Danis Bois suggests that take steps back towards silence to reconnect with this place of peace within us.  Step by step, meditators are guided to take an active part in establishing conditions conducive to silence by lowering their eyelids, settling into their motionless posture, turning their attention towards listening to the silence and becoming aware of the effects of this way of engaging in the meditation in a stable and lasting manner. Take advantage of the silence to step silently towards yourself. . This silence transforms little by little into a quality of presence to ourself. And when silence encounters our presence, a gentle animation appears everywhere within the body. This movement, this presence in motion within, this inner dance expresses life moving within to serve our life.  It expresses your desire to live, your appetite for life, your joy at living. We feel better, we are more self-aware, thoughts move away, your preoccupations become distant and let peace settle within your body, your head, your heart.  We all needs these moments of peace, our mind needs it, our body needs it, the whole of our biology needs it.  Danis Bois …

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Meditating with Danis Bois – #107 – The desiring force of the living world

Through his meditation, Danis Bois presents his philosophy with regards to the innter climate of peace. Step by step, he provides guidance to go deeper into this living philosophy of the Sensible, best grasped by a meditative state he considers most appropriate to explore the living world.  In the preceeding weeks, the emphasis was put on connecting with the silence, respecting our quota of peace and what Danis Bois calls the satellites of peace, namely calm, stability, solidity and tranquility. This meditation on the theme of ‘the desiring force of the living world’ brings us to explore another form of peace that is deeper and is connected with a powerful inner push: the inner movement.  By exploring the continuity of silence, motionlessness, presence, smiling and the inner movement, meditative practice gives us access to stability, as a source of inner peace that pervades simultaneously our mind and our body. A travers l’exploration de la continuité du silence, de l’immobilité, de la présence, du sourire, du mouvement interne, la pratique méditative donne accès à une stabilité, source de paix intérieure et qui concerne à la fois l’esprit et l’organisme. Accessing this continuous flow of silence, attention, presence and motionlessness, of the slowness of …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #106 – The signs of an inner climate of peace

After developing the importance of preserving our peace quota, this week Danis Bois invited participants to identify and explore the clues to an inner climate of peace, i.e. the sensations, states and attitudes that enable us to recognise that we are indeed in a place of peace within ourselves. According to Danis Bois, inner peace is the most accomplished state in a quest for meaning, a human journey or a spiritual journey.The state of peace is a self-sufficient state, The state of peace is an inner state that is enough of itself, a fulfillment of a life.  It’s a delicious movement intertwined with a peace for which there are no words.  Feel the joy, joy at feeling alive. Danis Bois Encountering our inner climate of peace is probably what the body likes best to keep itself in balance. But preserving this relationship requires discipline. Here are some suggestions for maintaining your climate of inner peace. During the week, I invite you to observe and notice when you are in a situation of stress or anxiety that come and impinge on your quota of peace. I invite you to choose to sing, listen to some music, leave this climate that is …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #105 – Preserving our quota of peace

Today, Danis Bois began to guide a new series of meditations online. He has chosen as a theme for this series ‘The Inner Climate of Peace’ further to the climax Festival he took part in, in September 2024 in Bordeaux (France). The theme of peace is particularly close to Danis Bois’ heart as it finalizes in some way the long path he has been on in his quest for sense and meaning.  How can we find this place of peace within ourselves? How can we demand of ourselves a quota of peace that is absolutely necessary to achieve balance in our lives?  It is not simply about finding peace, but about taking care of our relationship with peace in all its dimensions.  In the course of this series, different themes will be touched on following a step-by-step learning process.  The first meditations will focus on how to connect with our place of peace within before we begin to explore how to make peace with ourself, then with others, and how we can contribute to peace in the world. Finally the meditations will address dying in peace and how we can accompany people to die in peace.  Extracts of the meditation …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #102 – The Mystère of Life

This meditation #102 is devoted to the theme of mystery. It’s an interesting theme in the sense that in the practice of meditation we come across sensations, feelings and experiences that are quite mysterious and in the sense that the inner movement can be an answer to the mystery of Life. Extracts I invite you to have a naked gaze on the mystery, the mystery that we encounter in the practice of meditation. Can we meditate without having somewhere within us a quest for the mystery? It is always a mystery to feel that we are moving from a state of motionlessness to a state of motion within us. It’s always a mystery to feel the push of life in our flesh.  We are not close to this mystery just in meditation. It is everywhere. It surrounds us permanently. Every moment, we are close to the mystery.  Firstly, life is a mystery, an extraordinary mystery. Your life is a mystery. We are alive, we are here and for this to have happened is a real mystery. Why us? Why you?  The time that we live is a mystery.  We behave as though life is something we are owed and we …

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Méditer avec Danis Bois – #101 – The presence in the inner movement

This meditation is taking place at the same time as Danis Bois is giving a Movement Masterclass, so it seemed appropriate for this meditation to explore the theme of the the inner movement that becomes in our gestural movement an inner drive motivating us into action. The inner movement is the signature of Full-Presence Meditation. We we are consciously animated by the inner movement, we are at the heart of Full-Pesence which, in this particular context, is seen as the presence that arises from our relationship with the inner movement. Those who connect with the inner movement report that they feel totally present to themselves and experience, as an undertone, a strong sense of existing.  Gaining access to this experience requires training and perceptual skills. It is possible to experience the presence of the inner movement in different ways depending on practice and sensitivity:  It is of course a meditation that requires a particular kind of training to grasp the inner movement, which is the jewel of Full-Presence Meditation.  Extracts: Silence: The more we pay attention to the silence, the more present we are to the silence, the more the silence becomes animated within itself, become animated by a warm …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #100 – Starting afresh

Danis Bois’ meditations have been listened to 200 000 times since we began and today we celebrate the 100th meditation So today was the 100th meditation guided online by Danis Bois since he agreed to facilitate weekly gatherings.  To celebrate this event, the chosen theme explores the notion of change  of change under the title: “Starting fresh”, as indeed the movement creates a particular state of presence that engages, stimulates and motivates our capacity to make decisions and to go towards change, to ultimately to start afresh.  Extraits : When we have the good fortune to experience the inner movement, we can then experience that living is what is rarest in the world. Then, when we are in this way, faced with ourself, in silence, rooted in the present, we get a better sense of ourselves. And we know that what prevents us from changing is as much our doubts as our certainties. Of course you have free will over your life. Your choice has to be yours. The movement in your life is just a help.  We make decisions that vary depending on our states, on our moods and the movement, when it is a lived experience, changes our mood. It …

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Meditate with Danis Bois – #99 – Motionless yet active

Since the beginning of the term, the meditations have centred around exploring the main supports of  meditation. As a reminder, for Danis Bois, a support is this something on which we apply our attention, our presence, our awareness and in a more dynamic perspective, these supports provide the grounding on which perceptual, cognitive, relational and behavioural potentialities can be developed. Having, in the preceeding weeks, explored silence, the present moment in all its aspects, it is not time to explore two fundamental supports of Full-Presence Meditation: motionlessness and what we call an active motionlessness, meaning the inner movement.  In this meditation, Danis Bois explores through the inner movement what the poet T.S. Elliot calls ‘the dance’, alluding to the co-existence of stillness and movement – a lively stillness.   Having reaching the state of motionlessness in the meditation, it is then seen as the revealer of the inner movement inside the body.  Extracts : I invite you to imagine that you are a statue, draped in silence, and as all statues, you feel unmovable, unshakable by external events. When you feel the support of your back on the chair or another area of support, it is the sign that you are being …

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