#102 – The Mystery of Life

27 March 2024

This meditation #102 is devoted to the theme of mystery. It’s an interesting theme in the sense that in the practice of meditation we come across sensations, feelings and experiences that are quite mysterious and in the sense that the inner movement can be an answer to the mystery of Life.


I invite you to have a naked gaze on the mystery, the mystery that we encounter in the practice of meditation.

Can we meditate without having somewhere within us a quest for the mystery?

It is always a mystery to feel that we are moving from a state of motionlessness to a state of motion within us.

It’s always a mystery to feel the push of life in our flesh. 

We are not close to this mystery just in meditation. It is everywhere. It surrounds us permanently. Every moment, we are close to the mystery. 

Firstly, life is a mystery, an extraordinary mystery. Your life is a mystery. We are alive, we are here and for this to have happened is a real mystery. Why us? Why you? 

The time that we live is a mystery. 

We behave as though life is something we are owed and we forget its mysterious nature.

The time we have left to live is a mystery. 

And your presence on this earth is worth as much as the mystery of the skies.

The mystery is within life and not just after life.Gandhi said: “Life is a mystery for us to experience and not a problem to solve.”

Danis Bois

How to participate ?

Danis Bois, a Doctor of Education, has been meditating for over 40 years and is co-author of the book “La méditation pleine présence, les 7 voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine” published by Eyrolles and translated into English by Hélène Pennel. Danis Bois runs a weekly meditation open to anyone interested in meditation. He tackles general or specific themes according to his inspiration.

This quarter’s meditation began on 17 January February 2024 on the theme of silence. Subsequent meditations will go into greater depth on this subject and will tackle other themes every Wednesday until 10 April.

Each quarter includes podcasts available for one year. You can join us by registering directly on the Meditate with Danis Bois website and you will have access to the meditations from the beginning of the quarter. You can also subscribe to past quarters by choosing the themes that interest you.

If you find it too difficult to follow this 40-minute meditation, we suggest you start with the easier PAMEL7 meditations, which you can follow in English with a registered coach.

You can also subscribe to the POEBRA programme, a programme for optimising self-esteem, benevolence and reducing anxiety, which you can follow in English with a registered coach. This programme has been the subject of scientific research, the significantly positive results of which will be published shortly.

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