Learning to meditate :
A program to optimize self-esteem, benevolence and anxiety management (POSBAM)
This program is intended for
People who are interested in familiarizing themselves with meditation, learning to meditate and learning from their meditation
People who wish to strengthen their self-esteem and benevolence, and to better manage their anxiety
The key features
- Offer yourself one hour per day for 8 weeks
- Let yourself be carried by the gradual verbal guidance of the recordings and the 8 coaching sessions
- Repeat each meditation on 3 consecutive days.
- Discover the pleasure of regular daily practice
- Evaluate your progress by journaling your experience
- Become self-reliant in the practice of Full-Presence Meditation®
- Enjoy being accompanied simply and gradually with benevolent and efficacy.

What do we offer ?
An 8-week program
A regular daily meditative practice
Online learning with audios (22 meditations) which evolve over time to gradually accompany your learning
Videos to better understand Full-Presence Meditation®
Support and mentoring through 8 x 90-minute coaching sessions (online or in-presence), once a week in line with the process of discovery of the program
A journal logging your experiences to allow you to become aware of the progress you are making in your meditative practice and in your relationship to self-esteem, benevolence and anxiety.
The themes of the step-by-step program

Week 1
Exploring your body, posture and motion lessness
Week 2
Developing the auditory sense and the visual sense
Week 3
Mobilizing the different attentional skills
Week 4
Welcoming thoughts and managing anxiety through the breath
Week 5
Becoming fully present and discovering the inner movement
Week 6
Expanding the qualities of the heart and strengthening self-esteem
Week 7
Journeying to benevolence towards self and others
Week 8
Rediscovering enthusiasm and inner bliss
How you will be accompanied through the program ?
The book : Full-Presence Meditation – The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth
To complete your journey, you can read the book ‘Full-Presence Meditation® – The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth’, which presents meditation in general; the notion of Full Presence as a plenitude to be achieved; the process of discovery of Full-Presence Meditation® and of the inner movement; the seven ways to access human warmth; and the processes and foundations of Full-Presence Meditation®.
Coaching sessions (online or in-presence)
We will start the program by meeting you online during a virtual lesson to support you on your path. You will experience a meditation and receive instructions on how to follow the meditations online, write your journal and use the supports provided on the platform.
Following this, you will have each week a 90-minutes meeting during which the guide will begin by facilitating a meditation. This introspective time will be followed by a presentation of the theme of the week and there will then be time for you to interact by asking questions or sharing what you have experienced. Finally, you will receive instructions for the following week’s program.
Example taken from a virtuel lesson led by Danis Bois on the theme of self-esteem.
Accessing the digital platform and the meditations’ audio files
Following your registration, you will receive a user name to be able to create a password to access the platform. There you will find directions on the use of the platform, your user manual and every week you will have access to new online meditations for your practice, at the pace recommended by the program as explained by the facilitator. Videos and written material will allow you to explore the theme of the week further.
User manual
To accompany you on the program, you will have a PDF format manual presenting the step-by-step process applied to the optimization of self-esteem, benevolence and anxiety management. As you progress with your daily practice, it will allow you to record the strong points of your experiences and to become aware by contrast of your perceptual, relational, reflective and behavioural progress with regards to self-esteem, benevolence, human warmth and anxiety
Your experience journal
Once a week, you will be asked to complete your experience journal online. It takes the form of a table with elements to reflect on and empty boxes in which you can write your lived experience and the thoughts and learning that have been triggered by the experience of the meditation. These can be used as the basis for sharing during the online sessions.
Price and venues
Within the program the coaching sessions can be either online or in-presence depending on circonstances to be discussed with your coach.
Price : 400,-€ including taxes
- Find and contact your coach in the register to find out the exact dates of their programm.
Register for the program online
Go to the register to choose your English speaking-coach and to know when the next program will begin. Contact Hélène Pennel or Hélène Amalia Jank.
Once you have completed this program, you will be able to register to meditate with Danis Bois live. Sessions will be translated into English, German and Portuguese.