#110 – Silence and inner peace
8 January 2025,
Pinture : Lionnel Verrier
As we come back to our activities in this New Year, Danis Bois suggests that take steps back towards silence to reconnect with this place of peace within us.
Step by step, meditators are guided to take an active part in establishing conditions conducive to silence by lowering their eyelids, settling into their motionless posture, turning their attention towards listening to the silence and becoming aware of the effects of this way of engaging in the meditation in a stable and lasting manner.
Take advantage of the silence to step silently towards yourself. .
This silence transforms little by little into a quality of presence to ourself. And when silence encounters our presence, a gentle animation appears everywhere within the body.
This movement, this presence in motion within, this inner dance expresses life moving within to serve our life.
It expresses your desire to live, your appetite for life, your joy at living.
We feel better, we are more self-aware, thoughts move away, your preoccupations become distant and let peace settle within your body, your head, your heart.
We all needs these moments of peace, our mind needs it, our body needs it, the whole of our biology needs it.
Danis Bois
At this time of taking resolutions for the year, Danis Bois invites us to not simply connect with this inner climate of peace, but to preserve it and make it last.
This calm that you feel at the heart of your stillness needs your agreement to last over time.
As this is the time for resolutions, we can decide to do more sports or lose weight, but also to try to safeguard and preserve our quota of peace for the year to come.
To end this meditation Danis Bois invites us to appreciate how simple it is to access the inner climate of peace by practising silence.
He also stresses that, as human being, we have the responsibility and the possibility to reach great heights, and that this is not the preserve of spirituality.
Experiencing meditation in its simplest guise is to connect with silence, where peace resides. A permanent climate of peace is the Himalaya of spirituality, the Everest of our humanity.
Danis Bois
How to take part in the meditations?
Danis Bois, who is a doctor of Educational Science, has been meditating for over 45 years and is co-author of the book “ “Full-presence meditation” Seven ways to accesss human warmth” translated into English by Hélène Pennel (‘La méditation pleine présence, les 7 voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine’ published by Eyrolles). Danis Bois runs a weekly meditation online open to anyone interested in meditation who already has a meditative practice. He addresses general topics or specific themes according to his inspiration and current affairs.
This quarterly meditation began on 20 November 2024 on the theme of “Inner climate of peace”. In the following meditations – every Wednesday until 12 February 2025 – Danis Bois will guide the participants towards a deeper understanding of this theme as well as addressing other themes.
Each series of meditations includes podcasts accessible for 5 years. You can join us by registering directly on Meditate live with Danis Bois website and you will have access to all the meditations.
If you find it too difficult to follow this 40-minute meditation, we suggest that you start with easier meditations and subscribe to the English POEBRA, which is a programmedesigned to optimize self-esteem and benevolence, and reduce anxiety. This programme has been the subject of scientific research, the positive results of which will be published shortly. The programme in English is led by Hélène Pennel or Helene Gallagher, who you can contact by going to the register.