#112 – The softness of inner peace -22 Janvier 2025

Posted by Hélène Bourhis-Bois
Full-Presence Meditation offers the opportunity to live a wide range of inner tonalities, which each meditator experiences in their own way. At times, some may be touched, even profoundly moved by their experience, when others are simply feeling a kind of neutral impassive observing.
How then to respond to this quest for a feeling of love often sought during the meditation, when the theme proposed is inner peace ? If Danis Bois emphasizes inner peace before exploring the love that is associated with it, it is because inner peace leads to finding balance, tranquility, calm and moderation that are essential qualities to confront life’s turmoils.
Being able to preserve an inner climate of peace plays a part in not being systematically disturbed by the external world and preventing the external world jeopardizing the feeling of inner peace.
In this meditation however, Danis Bois shows, through three ‘acts of love of Life’, how experiencing peace is not contradictory to experiencing the intensity of love and of its qualities: warmth, softness, bliss and joy.
The first act of love of Life
Turn your awareness and your attention on the passing of the movement through this deep fabric that constitutes you.
And if you feel its gliding, like a caress, then you are feeling softness and love, even.
As feeling the movement traveling slowly through you, is an act of love of Life.
How is it possible not to marvel at being alive in this way?
This softness is at the same time physical and mental.
This force that animates you is autonomous from your will.
This autonomous presence, you can feel it as a warm attention turned towards you.
The second act of love of Life
And here you have a choice. Either you consider this autonomous, caring force as a driving force,
Or you consider that this force is a caring presence, with which you can establish a loving relationship.
And your feeling of peace takes on the coloration of what you are currently experiencing within you.
The third act of love of Life
You can feel another moment of softness when you have real joy, real happiness at encountering this caring presence that is directed towards you.
To become more human, we have to love Life.
Life is a principle that is at the root of all things.
And Life exists before it takes on a form, whatever the form, as small or vast as it may be.
Life manifests in the form of this movement that is slow.
This driving force of Life is an act of love for life.
Desire for life (or ‘Life’s desire’) is the charm of being alive.
And there is no love without an encounter with someone, with something.
Comment participer ?
Danis Bois, Docteur en sciences de l’éducation, médite depuis plus de 45 ans et est co-auteur du livre « La méditation pleine présence, les 7 voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine » publié chez Eyrolles. Danis Bois anime une méditation hebdomadaire ouverte à toutes les personnes intéressées par la méditation. Il aborde des thèmes généralistes ou spécifiques selon son inspiration.
Ce trimestre de méditation a débuté le 20 novembre 2024 sur le thème du climat intérieur de paix. Les méditations suivantes approfondiront ce sujet et aborderont d’autres thèmes chaque mercredi jusqu’au 12 février 2025.
Chaque trimestre inclut les podcasts accessibles pendant un an. Vous pouvez nous rejoindre en vous inscrivant directement sur le site méditer en direct avec Danis Bois et aurez accès aux méditations du début du trimestre. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de vous abonner aux trimestres passés en choisissant les thèmes qui vous intéressent.
S’il vous semble trop difficile de suivre cette méditation de 40 minutes, nous vous proposons de débuter par des méditations plus faciles du PAMEL7 que vous pouvez suivre en autonomie ou avec un coach inscrit au registre.
Vous pouvez aussi vous abonner au programme POEBRA , programme d’optimisation de l’estime de soi, de la bienveillance et de la réduction de l’anxiété. Ce programme a fait l’objet d’une recherche scientifique dont les résultats positifs de façon significative seront publiés prochainement.