Meditate with Danis Bois – #99 – Motionless yet active
Since the beginning of the term, the meditations have centred around exploring the main supports of meditation. As a reminder, for Danis Bois, a support is this something on which we apply our attention, our presence, our awareness and in a more dynamic perspective, these supports provide the grounding on which perceptual, cognitive, relational and behavioural potentialities can be developed. Having, in the preceeding weeks, explored silence, the present moment in all its aspects, it is not time to explore two fundamental supports of Full-Presence Meditation: motionlessness and what we call an active motionlessness, meaning the inner movement. In this meditation, Danis Bois explores through the inner movement what the poet T.S. Elliot calls ‘the dance’, alluding to the co-existence of stillness and movement – a lively stillness. Having reaching the state of motionlessness in the meditation, it is then seen as the revealer of the inner movement inside the body. Extracts : I invite you to imagine that you are a statue, draped in silence, and as all statues, you feel unmovable, unshakable by external events. When you feel the support of your back on the chair or another area of support, it is the sign that you are being …