Full-Presence meditation The seven Ways to access Human Warmth

Danis Bois & Isabelle Eschalier’s Book, Translation by Hélène Pennel , 21th October 2022

Danis Bois and Isabelle Eschalier’s book, La méditation pleine présence, les sept voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine (Eyrolles) with a preface by Pierre Rahbi, published in 2019, is now published in English and available in hard copy or as an e-book by following this link. It was translated by Hélène Pennel.

This book present the various characteristics of Full-Presence Meditation and the innovative aspects of this practice in relation to other meditative practices, particularly Mindfulness. 

Danis Bois clarifies some of the terms used in the context of meditations in general, and Full-Presence Meditation in particular such as the terms full, presence, consciousness and awareness.  He also answers other questions relating to the place of the body in meditation, and the interaction between perception and conscious awareness.

This book also traces Danis Bois’s process of discovery and the elaboration of his methodology over the past 40 years, exploring in this process fields such as meditation scientific research (educational neuroscience), philosophy (humanistic thought, phenomenology of perception) and education (perceptual psychoeducation, experiential and existential learning).

You will also find in this book practical tools to familiarize yourself with Full-Presence Meditation and to benefit from the unfolding of human warmth in your life.

How to participate in the meditations?

Danis Bois, Doctor of the Science of Education, has been meditating for over 40 years and is co-author of the book “La méditation pleine présence, les 7 voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine” published in French by Eyrolles, and published under the title ‘Full-Presence Meditation – The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth. Danis Bois guides a weekly meditation open to anyone interested in meditation who already have some experience of meditation and wish to deepen their practice. The meditations are focussed on general or more specific themes depending on his inspiration and current issues.

This quarter of meditation runs from 14th September 2022 until 7th December. ,Podcasts of the live meditations are available for one year. You can join us by registering directly on the website at meditate live with Danis Bois and you will have access to all the meditations from the beginning of the term.

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