Personal awareness after life ?

23 Novembre 2022

In view of the importance of the question of personal awareness after life, Danis Bois decided to devote three meditations to this theme.  Before addressing the becoming of personal awareness after life, this first meditation conveys information likely to bring some light on this subject in particular that Danis Bois rarely touches on, as he is more inclined to question: is there life before death?

What is proposed in this first meditation is to become familiar with personal awareness, or self-awareness, then to evaluate the connection with the unseen proposed by Full-Presence Meditation. This meditation uses a protocol directed towards the principle of continuity with the ‘greater than we are’ and with the universe that contains us while we are alive.

This meditation is an exploration of the connection with what is greater than we are:

  • Silence: “Silence is the eternal dimension of the second passing”
  • The inner movement: the continuous and uniform dimension of slowness and the spatial dimension create the connection between ourself and totality
  •  timelessness and spatial emptiness:  “where we feel that the past and the future dissolve into the present, and the present into eternity.”

It is clear that, during our lifetime, we can explore the unseen by bringing our personal awareness into it. But what happens after life? This is what we will question in the coming meditations.

Thank you very much for all this work, this generosity, the sharing and the transmission. I am so happy with the progression of the themes that we are touching on this term that enable us to enquire with wisdom and caution. It is an extraordinary way to be accompanied to explore fundamental mysteries.

One Person

Incredible lightness of my freedom relieved of the material conditions of my life, of my thoughts and constraints! This new state gave me confidence in the after life. A huge thank you to you Danis.

Another Person

Thank you for all these discussions that bring precisions and sometimes necessary clarifications in what is for some a path of awakening, which contributes to the awakening of the whole of humanity.

Another Person

I find that it is the only time when I can become aware of this fundamental question that concerns us all, and it is the most beautiful gift to receive to be able not just to “reflect” but to experience this fundamental question of human beings.

Another Person

This meditation is a wonderful opportunity to put into perspective our little personal life stories and gain access to another dimension of awareness. It offers me much serenity.  Thank you so much..

Another Person

Magnificent meditation! Mind blowing! I loved questioning myself on this subject has often remained obscured and that I had not dared question before. Your guidance accompanies me step by step, so delicately

One Person

How to participate in this meditations?

Danis Bois, Doctor of the Science of Education, has been meditating for over 40 years and is co-author of the book “La méditation pleine présence, les 7 voies d’accès à la chaleur humaine” published in French by Eyrolles, and in English under the title “Full-Presence Meditation – The Seven Ways to Access Human Warmth“. Danis Bois guides a weekly meditation open to anyone interested in meditation who already have some experience of meditation and wish to deepen their practice. The meditations are focussed on general or more specific themes depending on his inspiration and current issues.

This quarter of meditation runs from 14th September 2022 until 7th December. Podcasts of the live meditations are available for one year. You can join us by registering directly on the website at meditate live with Danis Bois and you will have access to all the meditations from the beginning of the term.

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