Meditate with Danis Bois – #95 – Living the present moment fully
With this meditation, Danis Bois explores an attitude that underlies meditation: “Inhabiting the present moment”. Being in the present is at the heart of meditation, and all meditative practices aim to enter into a relationship with the now. With the help of a step-by-step process, participants explore how to sit in the moment and anchor themselves in the present as neutral observers. How to let things happen, to welcome them, to accept them as they are, without expectation, impatience or dissatisfaction. It’s about honouring everything that arises to perception, however minute. Later on, from the present moment, they will visit past and future. The notion of temporality is very broad when we talk about things that are essential. In terms of temporality, we could have a temporality that is connected with the time of the clock, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. And we can also see temporality in terms of eternity and a space dimension where we talk about ‘infinite’ and with temporality of moments of ‘eternity’. There is the time that is passing, the time of the clock, and then there is the time that we feel; and it is the feeling of this time that …